How to Make a Bitcoin Faucet

Are you planning to run a Bitcoin faucet? Or is your faucet suffering in losses? Maybe you are putting enough effort to make your Bitcoin faucet profitable and are failing miserably? If this sounds like you, then you have probably landed on the right page to know some methods for successfully making a profit out of your Bitcoin faucet.

At times Faucet owners find it quite hard to cope up with the ever-increasing expenses. Moreover, the traffic is also cheap, and not a lot of ad networks are willing to accept such sites on their network. With clear violations of Adsense policy on such websites, the owners are only left with just a few choices, but there is still a lot of hope to keep your platform running for several years. Here are some ways you can use to make your Bitcoin faucet profitable.

Not using a default faucet script

Many faucets using default faucet scripts tend to suffer losses. In particular, I am talking about free scripts that are easy to deploy but hard to maintain when it comes to profitability. In addition, these scripts require users to enter their address and claim from the faucet, which can be done within 10 seconds.

This usually doesn’t generate revenue, and the owner ends up giving more than earning. Besides, this also increases the bounce rate of the website, which is another hit on your website rankings. Although this certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t make money from free scripts, it just makes the process bit hard.

Adding a login page

If you can do this, it is a gem for your faucet script. Every time a user visits the site to claim, he must log in before starting. This feature is currently present in many of the top faucets. Besides, the login page is not just there to make your website look fancy but because it seems more professional and appealing. You can also check this Ripple Faucet as an example. A login page can help your faucet in a lot of ways such as,

  • Making an additional layer to prevent bots
  • Helps you to reduce bounce rate
  • Make your website more engaging
  • Can picture a more decent and professional look for your website

Adding games

This idea is becoming popular among new faucets as adding simple HTML5 games that can help keep users for a longer time. This, in turn, reduces bounce rate and increase website engagement. You can also reward users for playing games, a strategy currently live on

Adding games to your website either monetize or not can provide you a significant way to retain a lot of market share in the faucet niche. You can add games from several websites or can make your own. There are also multiple free HTML5 games available for free on the web.

Come with something new

If you have knowledge about PHP or you are yourself a developer, then you can easily come up with something new. Several faucets have diverse ideas to claim Bitcoins. Why not create a faucet where a user has to shoot on bottles, and each bottle contains some Satoshis? A faucet named ShotBTC faucet was already doing it, but sadly it stops operating after suffering major losses.

In other words, everybody can come up with new ideas which can be

  • Selecting several colors and each color contain random reward of coins
  • Hitting on something such as a table, etc. and each hit give you some Satoshis
  • Or how about rewarding users by creating a virtual mining platform

Seems like a good idea to kick start your profitable Bitcoin faucet.

Move away from creating Bitcoin faucets

Much hurtful, but it is true. Move away from Bitcoin faucets. Bitcoin price has skyrocketed to above $4000 and giving 10,20 Satoshis doesn’t attract much visitors unless you have something unique or has been in the market for long. Try to open faucets for other Altcoins such as Dogecoin, Stellar Lumens. 0.2 Dogecoin or 0.25 XLM sounds better than 0.00000020 Bitcoin. Even though you will be paying the same amount in Bitcoins.

Further, many Altcoins are volatile in price and can suddenly pump or dump, forcing you to put some extra effort to maintain your balance. But this can easily be nailed by API calls to Coingecko and fixing the rewards in USD. Several other ways can help you to create a profitable Bitcoin faucet such as marketing your faucet and adding banner rotators. But the profitability for Bitcoin faucets depends on the amount of security it has to prevent bots and the ads network willing to approve the site.

In conclusion

As an end note, making a profitable Bitcoin or Crypto faucet is a bit difficult. You also would need to manage the budget in the first few weeks, which can be a burden on your paycheque.

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